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Smile Music Bingo - Training 


To reach the full potential of your events please go through the training videos before starting.

(It will only take around 10 minutes in total)


Video 1: How to play Smile Music Bingo - Online (3 min)


Video 2: Menu and settings (1.5 min)



Promoting your events 

Video 3: Marketing and promoting events (1.5min)




- First, you need to register to smile music bingo and have a license

- Contact our customer service to get a account 

- You need a computer or a tablet & screens and a sound system for the events

- Decide also what prizes you want to hand out for the winners (4 per round) 


- Login to and enter your dashboard

- Enter the prizes that you want to hand out from "licence & your details"

- Select the music rounds you want to play and print bingo cards

- You can also play with digital cards (downloadable from our website)

- Start the game and have a great time! 


- The first winner is a player that gets five (5) artists correct anywhere in the game card

- The second winner is the player who gets one horizontal row in the card

- The third winner is the player who gets two horizontal rows in the card

- The last winner is the player who gets a full house 




Help players to play with their smartphones!

Print out QR-code instructions before the event and place them on the tables. 







We recommend also reading our support and FAQ page. Please read the most common questions before contacting our customer support.